About Us

Our mission is simple. We love building unique one of a kind creations (furniture and decor items). We also love training and teaching our clients how to do the things they want to do inside and outside their homes. Over the years, we have found that our clients want to do minor and/or major repairs but just don’t know how to start or what tools or skillsets they need. That’s when we jump into action (and love doing it). Contact us today if you have any questions about our services. We would love to hear from you!

We do super creative things

Adam was born in Arizona and at an early age knew he was going to work with his hands. His attention to detail and his “light” OCD when it comes to doing it right was evident right from the start. Although he just tinkered with all stuff at an early age, his love for building, creating began to expand while he was a teenager. He started learning from skilled masters at their respective crafts (wood, plumbing, auto repair, etc.) and absorbed the techniques and skills needed like a sponge. When he graduated high school, he started learning architecture and knew immediately that building and creating was his passion. In order to further his interests and gain valuable knowledge, he moved to Canada for 8 years and honed his skills. While in Canada, Adam became a “Master Craftsman”, working with wood, metal, etc.. His custom home building skills were off the charts and was highly respected in the home building community. A few years ago, Adam was sick of the snow, cold, moose, beavers, etc that Canada is known for and was homesick for his hometown of Phoenix Arizona and moved back. After all these years of practicing his craft while increasing his knowledge, Adam settled in on doing custom (one off) work for very select clients and has never been happier and never looked back. His journey through the years has made Adam a renaissance man of sorts. Chuck Norris Approved! lol

Founder & Master Craftsman

I was born in Detroit, Michigan but moved here in 1990. I have lived in Arizona most of my life but I still have roots and weeds (aka my family) in Michigan. I am anchored down with a wife and 3 kids. My oldest 11 she’s all me. My son is 9 and well he is like me too and my baby she is 2 years old and she is all Mom! My hobbies are playing basketball, racquetball, and all the ball sports my son wants to play. I also mentor to male prison inmates via mail ministry with CCV church.

I have been growing in the construction field since 2008. I have worked in the residential and commercial sectors. I have an eye for finishes and a drive to satisfy every need a project brings on. I continue to grow and learn to expand my knowledge to deliver projects with 100% customer satisfaction. I have known Adam, our founder of Urban Vintage for 7 years. His training and expertise is what makes us successful and professional to take on any size job. Working with clients to bring their vision to life is a passion of mine and it is why I enjoy the construction profession. Working with Urban Vintage is not only a place for me to expand my horizons, it's also a place that allows growth, freedom, and support for success. 

Project Manager Commercial Division

Leanne met Adam in Canada. The two began a relationship that has lasted over 13 years now. They married and moved back to Arizona together. Leanne in her own right is a DIY expert who dabbles in restoration of older furniture. Leanne loves animals (especially dogs). She is also a true Canadian who apologizes even when she’s not wrong. She is also very stubborn but also delightful. Most of Adam’s projects came with Leanne’s approval and/or creative input.

Accounting/HR Manager Creative Assistant